CHILD -child who underwent a vegetarian diet is recommended to fill the shortage of regular consumption of protein found in red meat, fish, and livestock products. They can eat soy, fortified soy milk and nuts. All the material is a source of protein, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamin D are normal children obtained from meat in general. Yeast nutritious, which usually taste the cheese-can be used to meet the needs of vitamin B12. Raw foods are called Flaxseed (seed or grain rice similar) are also rich in linoleic acid. Children vegetarians who still eat eggs and dairy products mostly not to be deprived of one of the macro nutrients they need. However, those who become a vegan (pure vegetarian) needs to be smarter longer regulate his diet, said Dr. David Ludwig, a child nutrition specialist from Children's Hospital Boston. 
"It needs more attention so that children are not pure vegetarians malnutrition," explains Ludwig . Children can begin to be a vegan since birth, obviously Sarah Krieger, a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association who is also registered as a dietitian at All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. Sarah said, Mother's Milk (milk) or milk formula fortified with iron is needed during the first six months of infants at birth. Soy formula can also be an option.