Fat pile, nest Disease

DO NOT be proud if your body fat. Trust me, fat is not a sign that we are prosperous. Even if obese or overweight, you should ekstrawaspada. You see, obesity can raise a variety of diseases.
Latest news from the World Health Organization or the World Health Organisation (WHO) says, now obesitar instead has become a global epidemic around the world. The number of jumbo-sized body owners in many parts of the country increased from year to year. Not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries whose level of welfare-yes masyarakatn not high, such as Indonesia. The world of medicine defines obesity as overweight is caused due to accumulation of fat in the body. In the long term, the accumulation of fat can become disease. Even "excessive fat will facilitate a person stricken with the disease three to four times compared to normal people," said Haryati, doctors and nutritionists from Mediros Hospital, Jakarta. Disease is targeting people with obesity is a weak heart, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, a narrowing of blood vessels, cholesterol, asthma, to arthritis or osteoarthritis disease. Such diseases arise because the body's metabolism is not running normally. "Stacking Fat disrupt the body's metabolism," added Haryati. Because the organs do not function properly, many diseases and then lodged in the body. Although the body needs a certain amount of fat, real fat is a substance acing that should be removed from the body. Unfortunately, fat is not wasted to poison because of the oxidation process. This oxidation process which can also cause cancer and tumors. Horrified, right? 

Causing mental disordersIn fact, obesity in children and adolescents may also lead to social and psychiatric disorders. Gems Ginanjar Revelation, doctors from the Clinic Aqma Purwakarta, West Java, said obesity that occurs in children and adolescents are vulnerable and cause the child to be insecure in a foreign environment. These kids will feel less confident in the mix. As a result, the child will become alienated and no friends.Unfortunately, if the process continues and makes the child close itself will endanger their mental health. If not immediately get attention, obese people like this will soon be experiencing depression. If the level of mild depression can still be handled. "However, when depression was entered into the higher levels can lead to suicide," said Genis. Negative tendency was encouraged by the level of confidence is lacking and the difficulty in the association. Nevertheless, obesity is true can still be overcome. The trick is simple, ie, set healthy eating patterns, diet, and increased activity. Although simple, do not try to do themselves. You should at least consult with a physician or nutritionist. It is important to determine diet and physical activity are appropriate and safe for people with obesity. "Diets that are too tight can actually cause nutritional deficiencies," said Genis. Getting rid of fat also takes patience. "There's no way the weight can be reduced in a short time," Genis teaching.