That said, gay or not a man can spy from the shape of his fingers. Just a myth? Apparently not, there is scientific research. When talking about detecting men gay , most people will immediately assess the physical. If his style kemayu, graceful movements, or his clothes neat and fragrant, perhaps we will immediately muttered to myself, "Hmm ... he's definitely gay." There is also a myth that says, gay or not a man can be seen from the fingers of his hand . Apparently, this myth is true. This is called the digit ratio theory. Several studies have proven the truth. Look at your fingers. If your right hand ring finger longer than index finger, it means you've got a lot of hormones testosterone and tend to be hyperactive, aggressive, and do not like something that is slow. Conversely, if the index finger is longer than the ring finger, it means you are more of the hormone estrogen so that your properties tend to be sensitive and emotional too. Then, if people longer index finger means homosexual? Apparently not. It is precisely the length of the index finger and ring finger equal in length are mostly homosexual (either male or female). A study conducted by Wndy M Brown and his team published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior participate strengthen it. In his study, Brown found that there was no direct relationship between the ratio of the length of your ring finger and index finger with lesbian behavior in women. Those with longer ring fingers had a same-sex sexual orientation.