Like women, men also have a variety of typical health problems that they must deal. Moreover, there are factors that make the lives of men are generally more susceptible to diseases, such as smoking and consuming alcohol, rarely do regular health checks, ignore the symptoms of health problems, consult your doctor lazy, and so forth. Some of the complaints are often felt by the men such as loss of sexual desire and often feel weak, sexual problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, infertility and impaired urination. The emergence of these problems would interfere with the performance and lower quality of life of men. Various aspects about men's health and treatment revealed in a seminar titledRestoring Men Perfection held at ASRI's Hospital last week. For the men of productive age, sexual health is vital. Sexual disorders can directly impact the quality of life, confidence, and relationships with a partner."Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are often considered to be reasonable because of fatigue, stress due to work, and other factors. In fact, both may be an indication of more serious diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and even heart disease, "said Dr.. Birowo poncho, SpU. Another problem also faced by many young couples is the difficulty to obtain offspring. Although the general view still regard infertility as the domain of women, men also actually have an equal role.Moreover, the examination to detect the presence of male fertility disorders are much cheaper, easy, and painless. meningkatnnya Along with life expectancy of the people of Indonesia, a syndrome called andropause that arise in conjunction with advancing age in men would be more easily found. However, there is no clear phase transition to a period of andropause caused difficult conditions was identified by physicians, especially ordinary people. Prof.Dr.dr. Akmal Taher, SpU (K) states, "Precisely spouse or environment was often complain of a man's behavior changes. Andropause men become more irritable, less passionate, difficulty sleeping, easily awakened at night, and various other complaints that are usually not recognized by the patient. " A fact of other medical disorders most prevalent in the field of urology is a urinary tract stones. Often the disease comes without complaint so that the patient later diagnosed and complications. Complications that occur may include swelling of the kidneys, reduced kidney function, to kidney failure. Conversely, patients can experience severe pain and intermittent, nausea, and vomiting (colic) in case of blockage of a sudden, when complications have not occurred. "complaints experienced by patients with urinary tract stones did not correlate the severity of kidney damage, so as to detect the presence of stones in the urinary tract, it takes a laboratory and radiological examinations. Various options include a drug treatment to remove stones, non-invasive measures (ESWL), minimally invasive (PcNL for kidney stones and URS for ureteric stone), and open surgery as a last resort, "said Dr.. Nur Rashid, SpU.Therefore, a hospital should have a complete service so as to provide the highest standards of management in accordance with the Guidelines on Management of Urinary Tract Stones held by institutions such as the Indonesian Association of Urology (IAUI), the European Association of Urology (EAU) , and the American Urological Association (AUA). Asri Hospital urology provide integrated services to support cutting-edge tech equipment that makes this hospital as a Center of Urology. In addition, to deal with health problems such as infertility and other male sexual disorders, there Fertility Centre that combines obstetrics-gynecology services for women and for men with urological diagnostic and treatment facilities are equipped and experienced team of expert doctors.