A healthy child is marked with increasing height and weight. Ideally every month parents to monitor weight gain (BW) to determine the health condition of the child so that if any irregularities immediately known cause. To determine whether there is a decrease and increase in body weight (BW) can be seen on the Card Towards Healthy (KMS) is administered in a hospital or Posyandu. Of KMS, parents can find out if your child BB into the normal curve, less, or excessive.
Weight and length of the body of a child greatly influenced the birth weight and length, as well as nutrient intake is given. As a rule, at the age of 1 year weight was 3 times birth weight. Which must be known is a healthy child is not identical to fat.
If within two months of BB child does not rise or decline, meaning there is something wrong with his health. Similarly if the BB children rises excessively. Immediately consult to find out the cause and how to handle.
There are several causes of a child's weight is less, among others, excessive activity or any illness that melatarinya so that optimal intake of food is not absorbed. The reduced weight also can be caused by infectious diseases, like tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, or kecacingan. During his illness has not healed, the child will stay thin and his BB does not increase, and even tended to decrease.
Meanwhile, excessive weight gain in children should be wary of. Research in the past decade leading to the conclusion that child obesity in childhood will grow into teenagers who are overweight as well.
Overweight or obesity in children will also make the development is not as optimal as any other child of his normal weight. Often children who are obese have impaired the ability of sensory integrity, for example, difficult to maintain balance while walking on the bridge board. In addition, in conducting its activities the child is also faster to accomplish.
To prevent obesity in children, invite children to do physical activity regularly. Avoid giving excessive snack or main meal ahead of time. Replace high-calorie snacks such as ice cream, cake or beverages sweetened with fresh fruit.