Doc, my periods very very irregular. Already more than 1 year I am not menstruating. Earlier, about 2 years I was not menstruating. Why is it dock? I was overweight, still single and may be due to overweight, then I am lazy to exercise, quickly accomplished. How ya docking solution? I worry about ya. Want to ask again the dock, my brother is 24 years old, student (male) still had a habit of wetting the bed. What causes it and how do I fix this? A friend suggested taking the pill Tofranil so as not to wet the bed again. Are there any side effects from the drug? Tiflo, 29 years
Menstrual cycle is strongly influenced by the fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body.For the release of eggs and menstruation estrogen and progesterone hormone levels must reach a certain point. While the metabolic processes of the two hormones is highly influenced by the levels of fat in the body, because the base material is a fat hormone. High fat content which causes interference with the metabolism of two hormones, resulting in disrupted menstrual cycles as you can. In the long run, bladder rupture and the egg can not spend like a normal female egg cell. You already know the cause, that is overweight, and of course you also know the solution to improve the reproductive function of your body, it only needs a strong motivation and lifestyle changes to reduce your weight. Once your weight is usually reduced menstrual pattern will gradually change near normal. If you prefer, you can consult a gynecologist and hormone levels checked in the body. However, this examination requires no small cost. Your brother in 24 years of age still wet the bed, this is not normal, your sister should memeriksaqkan a doctor neurologist to see is there any abnormalities of the innervation of the bladder which causes incontinence, but it is possible required the involvement of a psychiatrist to see if there is an underlying psychiatric problem your sister this habit. Drugs you mentioned it is basically the anti-depressant that can also be used for cases of bedwetting, but you should need to know first what causes your brother is still wet, can be given appropriate treatment or therapy.
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