Healthy Foods

ONE more food easily available and cheap, but very much usefulness for health. Eggplant is a food rich in nutrients that can lower blood cholesterol, contain anti-cancer agent, as a contraceptive, and is believed to increase libido. Eggplant ( Solanum melongena L. ) is native to tropical regions thought to have come from Asia, especially India and Burma. Of the region, eggplant and then spread to China in the 5th century.From China subsequently disseminated to the Caribbean, Central Africa, East Africa, West Africa, South America, and other tropical areas. Furthermore, the eggplant spread also to subtropical countries, like Spain and other countries in the European region. Since the area is very wide spread, the name for eggplant is very diverse, ie Eggplant, gardenegg, aubergine, melongene, eierplant , or eirefruch. 

Type Eggplant Eggplant is one type of fruit vegetables favored various circles. Eggplant plants including one family with takokak plant ( Solanum torvum ), leunca ( Solanum nigrum ), tomato ( Solanum Lycopersicum), and potato ( Solanum tuberosum ). Eggplant can be grown successfully at an altitude of up to 1,200 meters above sea level. Flowers eggplant is a pansy flower, that is androgynous. In the male genitalia are flowers (stamens) and female genitalia (the pistil). Eggplant flowers shaped like stars, blue or violet, bright to dark. Flower pollination can take place in cross-pollinated as well as his own. The fruit of eggplant is a fruit of a true single, thick fleshy, soft, and watery. Hanging fruit on the fruit stalk. In general, there is a stalk of the eggplant fruit, but there also have more than one fruit. Seeds present in large quantities and spread over the fruit flesh. Leaf sheath attached to the base of fruit, green or purplish. The fruit of eggplant is very diverse, both in shape, size, or color, depending on variety. In terms of fruit shape, some round, round-half-long and round. Fruit size varies from small, medium, and large. Skin color varies from purple fruit, whitish green, white, purple and white, and black or purple. Inside the fruit are seeds in large quantities, flat-shaped, light brown. Seeds are the reproductive or generative plant propagation. This type of eggplant that is commonly traded Wren eggplant, eggplant teat, craigi eggplant, eggplant field, bogor eggplant, and Japanese eggplant. Wren is generally made ​​eggplant salad, so often referred to as the eggplant salad. The fruit is a small round purple or purplish white, crunchy texture, it feels unpleasant but not bitter. Eggplant teat has a long round fruit shape, the tip is blunt, straight, purple, green, purple, or green. Slightly sweet taste and soft texture of the flesh. Eggplant fruit craigi have elliptic (straight or bent), purple or lilac, as well as tapered ends. Elliptic field eggplant, green and white striped, sweet but slightly sour taste. Eggplant bogor has large round fruit, so it is also known as eggplant coconut. It is white or whitish green, crunchy texture, taste slightly sweet and slightly bitter (chocolate). In addition to local varieties, grown in Indonesia also many varieties of eggplant introduction, which comes from abroad.Introduction of the best known varieties are the Japanese eggplant. Eggplant Japanese have diverse forms, ie cylindrical, oval, oval or round, as well as skin color is purple to dark purple shiny. Japanese eggplant varieties are very well known is the Moneymaker 2 and black shine. Currently in Indonesia widely grown hybrid varieties of eggplant. The advantages of hybrid varieties is high production, crunchy texture and a soft, delicious, and has a high resistance to pests and plant diseases. Examples of hybrid varieties: Farmers long and extra long (from Taiwan); early bird, black dragon, vista, long tom, and the money maker 2 (Japanese). 

Prevent Hypertension eggplant nutritional composition varies, depending on variety, planting location, and age fruit when harvested. Although all three types of vegetables is a close relative, nutritional composition is slightly different. Tekokak and leunca had higher levels of energy, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C which is higher than the eggplant. eggplant Excellence lies in potassium levels (potassium) is high, which is about 217 mg/100 g, and levels of sodium (sodium) is very low , which is 3 mg/100 g. High levels of potassium and low sodium very beneficial for health, especially in the prevention of hypertension. In addition, eggplant contains food fiber amounts of quite a lot, namely 2.5 g/100 g, so good for the maintenance of the digestive tract. Vitamins are quite prominent on the eggplant is folic acid, with levels of 19 micrograms per 100 grams of material. In terms of economics, eggplant has a value higher than tekokak and leunca. Processed form of eggplant are also more varied, so that is preferred by the public. 

Just a Myth suggestion that a man should not eat eggplant because it can lower libido is a myth. The myth arose because male sexual organ to associate with the texture of eggplant is soft and sluggish due to the ripening process. This assumption is simply not true. By contrast, in the eggplant fruit contained important substances that actually are beneficial to health, including in matters of sex. Traditionally, the eggplant plants used as medicine for the treatment of swollen gums, inflammation of the mouth, hemorrhoids, ulcers in the nose, fractured bones, facilitating water art, and fever. It is still practiced in many areas today. The skin of eggplant contains many flavonoids and other antioxidants, which can help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Eggplants also contain terpene compounds that can lower cholesterol levels. A study using guinea pigs showed that administration of eggplant juice can lower cholesterol and improve blood flow rate. The fruit of eggplant also contain chlorogenic acid compounds ( chlorogenic acid ), which is one type of antioxidants, which according to some research results have anticancer activity, antimicrobial, and antivirus, and have the ability to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Eggplants are also known to contain trypsin inhibitors, which is a component that is believed to help neutralize cancer-causing cells. Some kinds of eggplant, such as Solanum khasianum, Solanum laciniatum, and Solanum grandiflorum, is known to contain alkaloid compounds in sufficient quantities in the form solasodin high, ie between 2.0 to 3.5 percent. This compound can be used as raw material for oral contraceptives, as a pill for the benefit of family planning programs.