Giving birth in water

Interested in giving birth in water? No need to go far away to abroad. In Jakarta the existing facility that offers it. Like what? ILL! feared that women in childbirth. No wonder when these techniques reduce the pain of labor was much in demand. Caesar began to labor, epidural anesthesia use, until hipnobirthing or hypnotized in order to give birth with no pain. And now, the technique of deliveries starting in great demand is to give birth in water.
Indeed there is no delivery techniques are able to eliminate the pain of up to one hundred percent. Most only 80 percent. But, we want to provide an alternative for mothers who give birth by reducing the pain, "he told Mother. Otamar explained, the process of giving birth in water has actually been around a long time. The process was offered in Russia in the l960's by Igor Tjarkovsky. Under development age, delivery model that continues to evolve to the United States, Europe, and Indonesia.
"In America alone give birth in the water not so easily accepted.Because, you know, they've got their own ego. However, some hospitals in the United States already use such techniques, "said the doctor who also practices at Metropolitan Medical Center (MMC) that. In Indonesia alone, began to give birth in water. Sammarie introduced in October 2006 in Healthcare Clinic." But, I also do not know if there are others. In the Clinic Sammarie own since it was introduced in October 2006 until now, been dealing with ten patients. And who plans to give birth in water is still widespread, "said Otamar.
Otamar described by giving birth in water on the basis of a normal delivery, just place in water, not in bed. Delivery techniques in the water not only benefits the mother, but also babies birth. Here are the advantages to be gained.
FOR MOM Some of the advantages to be gained mothers who give birth in water, among others:
Easing Pain By giving birth in water, the pain of contraction can be reduced by 60 percent. Because, in a floating state, contractions of the uterus will be more efficient, and blood circulation will be better. Thus, the flow of oxygen to the muscles of the uterus will go more smoothly, the pain experienced by the mother will be reduced, and the supply of oxygen to the baby will be more.

More Comfortable and Relax With a soak in warm water, the mother will be easier to find a position that is considered convenient to give birth. The mother just sit, relax in the water as she opened her legs and not have to move or draw a long breath. For, water by itself would help give a boost of energy. "Mothers who give birth itukan definitely stressed because she feels sick. With a soak in warm water, a sense of stress it can be reduced, so yes can feel comfortable, "explained Otamar.

Mengurangi torn perineum Warm water causes the perineum (the area between the vagina to the anus) becomes more elastic and relaxed. Thereby reducing the risk of tearing of the birth canal and the need to do an episiotomy or suturing.

Over Concentration Because physically more relaxed, soaking in warm water makes the mother could concentrate more on delivery.

Increased energy In the last stages of labor, water is believed to increase the mother's energy.

Lower Blood Pressure Soaking in warm water can help lower high blood pressure caused by anxiety.

More Maternity Brief In a soak in warm water, blood circulation will be better, so that the uterine contractions will also be better. That means opening the birth canal will be faster, so delivery is also faster.
FOR BABY Not only mothers who have benefited from giving birth in water.Babies born too would benefit, such as:

More Red Babies who are born in the water look more red, because blood is more adequate.

Her skin Cleaner Babies who are born in water has a leather cleaner and not only the epidermis. Therefore, fat-fat will be directly exposed to warm water clean.

Minor Head Injury Risk The risk of head injury in infants who are born in water, is smaller.Because, he would immediately fall into the water and by itself will float.

Smarter Although there has been no research, according to Otamar, babies who are born more intelligent water preformance. "It could be because of the risk of head injury in infants less," said Otamar.

More Convenient Although already out of the womb, the baby still feel comfortable, because he felt like being in the womb. That's because he was in the water temperature as suhudalam uterus. That means the stress experienced by infants who may also be reduced.

Membranes Smaller Poisoning Risks Risk of poisoning from amniotic baby is smaller, because the amniotic fluid that mixes with water straight out of the pool.

More Like Water Being born in water, babies are more sensitive to water. Because, in his memory was stored in water.
Is the baby not Choking Water?
"WHAT babies born in the water will not choke on the water because rnenangis'? So surely the question in the mind of the mother. Responding to a question like that, Dr. Samsudin SpOG Otamar emphatically replied,''No!".
"Of the ten patients I work with, never a case of a baby choking on a drink of water. And that needs to be understood, the baby will not suck air, except the umbilical cord has been cut. As long as baby is still connected to the umbilical cord, the baby will receive a supply of oxygen from the mother through the umbilical cord, "explained Otamar.
He added that basically the newborns will iangsung cry when:
Changes in mood. There is a change in water temperature. Umbilical cord is disconnected or cut off the relationship between infant and mother (the umbilical cord cut off). However, to anticipate things that are not desirable, says Otamar, a pediatrician should also be prepared. That way, "Whether or not the water that enters or presence or absence of other disorders can be directly detected and promptly addressed properly," said Otamar.
As said Otamar, labor in the water is basically like a normal delivery. Therefore, do not imagine that giving birth in water is tricky. The preparatory stage of the process until the mothers give birth in water, according to Otamar, are as follows:

Sterilization Swimming Before use, the pool must first be sterilized using a disinfectant.That way, the pool will be free of germs.

Water Charging Once the pool is considered clean, newly filled with water. Water is emotion sdisesuaikan with the mother's body temperature which will give birth. It is important to avoid temperature shock when the baby is out of the womb. The sterility of the water also must be considered so as not to cause infection in mothers and babies birth.

Mom Go Swimming The new mother may get into the pool after the birth canal open 5-6 inches. "That's to avoid the mother did not stay too long in the water," explained Otamar. If you want calm about the birth process, the husband can accompany.

Baby Born After about 1-1.5 hours soaking in water, the opening is usually full, so the baby is ready for birth. "Usually, with only a little energy to push, the baby was out. The process of childbirth is easier, because the water has pushed nature, "explains Otamar. After the baby is born, he would not drown, because any time in the womb the baby alive in the amniotic fluid for nine months.

Adopted Babies Once out, the baby is removed and immediately given to the mother to get a warm hug and kiss from his mother first. After that, just cut and cleaned her belly button, followed by health examination.