This Myths About Testosterone

Testosterone is the male sex hormones have an important role in sexual function, sperm production, muscle formation, and the tone of voice. Low levels of this hormone will cause the person experiencing chronic fatigue, depression, erectile disorder, and body postures that are less robust or less athletic ability.Research shows that the hormone testosterone in normal amounts is essential to reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in men. Additionally, normal testosterone levels men more longevity compared with men who lack this hormone. Many false myths circulating about this male hormone.
Abraham Morgentaler, MD, a specialist in urology at Harvard Medical School and author of Testosterone for Life will answer it for you. 
1. Testosterone is an illegal drug in the hormone testosterone, including legal drugs, especially hormones is very important for men. That is illegal is when this hormone is used without a prescription. Still, many sporting organizations have strict rules about the use of drugs or supplements containing testosterone because it can affect the performance of athletes. Athletes who violate may be subject to sanctions. 
2. Testosterone is steorid, and steorid dangerous. Yes, indeed steorid testosterone, but not dangerous. Anyway we naturally met by various steorid. According to Morgentaler, the word actually relates to steroids is supported by four molecules of carbon, such as estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, and cholesterol. Meanwhile, in sports, steroids is short for anabolic steroid hormonewhich is specifically working to build muscle and bone, such as testosterone. 
3. Testosterone causes uncontrollable violent behavior and yet there are facts that prove testosterone causes aggression, violence, or other uncontrollable behavior. Conversely, men with low testosterone who just irritable, and this condition will improve after the testosterone levels go up. 
4. Testosterone causes prostate cancerRecent research suggests that men with high testosterone levels are actually lower risk for prostate cancer.5. High levels of testosterone cause baldness In general, men who experience hair loss have the same testosterone levels as men whose hair is still thick. Baldness, according to Morgentaler, usually genetically inherited.