Sexual harassment can occur in men and women, why can physically be psychic. Resolve collectively without blaming each other is key to the settlement. 
Therefore, if there are sexual problems, should be communicated with each other couples to understand each other. "Do not blame the couple who initially a cause of the problem, says dr. Putu G Kayika, Staff Lecturer Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, General Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo Center in Jakarta, Saturday (14 / 3). 
In men, sexual disorders which may include low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorder either premature ejaculation or inhibited ejaculation , and orgasm disorders. 
In women, sexual problems experienced among other disorders of sexual drive, sexual arousal disorder or difficult arousal, orgasm disorders, and sexual pain disorder or pain in the sex organs during intercourse.Putu suggested that couples who experience sexual harassment do not let the matter drag on, hope will go away or heal itself. 
"Do not do this way or treatment that can not be justified scientifically. So, when the sexual encounter problems, you should immediately consult with an expert, "he asserted.