In addition to cardiovascular disease, erectile dysfunction (ED) or the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse is also caused by a deficiency of testosterone ortestosterone deficiency syndorme (TDS) and metabolic syndrome ( metabolic syndrome ). As stated by andrologist Setiawan Nugroho at Jakarta Thursday (18 / 2). Metabolic syndrome related to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, depression, testosterone deficiency syndrome , and high cholesterol, "said Nogroho. He explains, they are exposed to risk of heart disease twice as exposed to DE, 1.5-2 times hypertension, diabetes 3 ​​- 4 times, depressed, from 2 to 3.5 times, TDS 1.5-2 times, and high cholesterol as much as 4 times. According to Nugroho, TDS is a state when the production of testosterone from the testes is not enough. Reduction in this hormone would lead to disruption of metabolism, insulin dysregulation (abnormal blood sugar levels), high cholesterol and hypertension. Will eventually lead to diabetes mellitus and heart disease. "Testosterone itself consists of: globulin, or SHBG bound testosterone (60 percent), testosterone bound to albumin (38 percent), and free testosterone (2 percent), which is active and free albumin, "ugkap Nugroho. According to age, active testosterone decline, while the higher SHBG. As a result, someone will be increasingly at risk of TDS. Nugoroho adding that testosterone itself is a male sex hormone is most important. For adults, this hormone plays an important role to enhance sexual arousal, the formation of muscle and fat mass reduction and increase vitality.