FLOWER know high levels of protein. Hospitals use it for restoring patients' health. These foods are also recommended for people with diabetes and high blood pressure, and is said to stimulate the milk so it is good for pregnant women and new birth. Tofu is soy milk clumps of protein that has been separated with the water out ( whey ) by pressing. Conversely, a thin layer of curd is formed on the surface of heated soy milk. Perhaps because of floating on the surface of soy milk, then called the curd. In Indonesia, the curd is used as a mixture of chicken soup, oxtail soup, kimlo, capcay, and fried vermicelli. The form is thin and dry allowing curd stored longer without requiring refrigeration. The product is easily found in many vegetable stalls and itinerant vendors.
This type of beancurd Have you noticed the formation of a thin layer that floats on the surface of a glass of cow's milk is allowed to stand the heat cools at room temperature? These layers are the clumps of protein and fat that will eventually thicken so that it can easily be removed. If it will taste delicious, smooth, and somewhat wiry. The same thing will happen if the soy milk is heated. A thin layer of milk that has been heated surface is in Japan called Yuba , while in Indonesia, more popularly called curd. Apart from soya bean, curd can also be made from other nuts, such as green beans, pigeonpea, peanut Jogo, koro surly, and others. In general, the curd can be classified into three kinds, namely fresh curd, semi-arid, and dry. In Japan, fresh curd called the name of the Yuba . The characteristics of a good fresh curd is a yellowish cream color, soft texture, mild, slightly sweet flavor, and taste good. Unfortunately, this is not fresh curd can be retained for longer, which is only able to survive 2-4 days at room temperature or 3-5 days in refrigerator. To prevent fungal attack, wet curd is usually wrapped with airtight plastic or cardboard. Kembang know half dry, which is also called the name gawaki orgawaki han , a fresh curd that has been dried to a certain moisture content, but not until brittle. Beancurd this type generally wrapped in plastic or cardboard and stored at normal room. The third type of dried bean curd called Hashi kanso Yuba , is the type most popular and most commonly marketed. Curd is made by drying the wet curd until the water levels so low that it becomes very brittle texture. Because the water level is very low, this type can be stored longer at room temperature. There are five main forms of beancurd this type, namely sheets, spiral, long rolls, short rolls, and oharagi. Dried bean curd can be stored for 4-6 months at room cooled or air-tight box.
How to manufacture Kembang know can be made, both in small-scale (traditional) as well as large scale (modern factory). In Indonesia, the manufacture of curd is still done traditionally. Besides Japan, the process of making curd in a modern and large-scale, among others, have been developed in Taiwan and Hong Kong since 1973. The main raw material in the manufacture of soybean curd and water are. The equipment needed is a container of soy marinade, soy grinder, filter cloth, pots, and containers of soy milk heating. The manufacturing process is divided into two main phases, namely the manufacture of soy milk and the manufacture of thin layers.
Making soy milk
a. Dry soybean seeds cleaned of dirt, gravel, sand, twigs, and stems of soybean.Damaged beans, black, and berkapang should be discarded. After that, the seeds are washed thoroughly.Dirt and seeds that float should be discarded. Washing is done until the rinse water was clear.
b. Seeds were washed subsequently soaked in water for 8 hours. Replaceable water every 2-3 hours. After it drained soybeans.
c. Soy put in boiling water. Large fire set to survive temperatures 85-90 degrees Celsius. Soaking in hot water was carried out for 10 minutes. After the soybean is removed and cooled with running water, then drained.
d. Prepare hot water with temperatures around 90 degrees Celsius as much as six times the weight of dry soybeans to be processed. Water temperature is maintained during the work progresses. Into the hot water was added calcium carbonate powder as much as 0.5 grams per liter of hot water.
e. Soy beans mashed with a blender or ground with a grinding machine until it becomes mush soy.Grinding done while hot-water mixture was added calcium carbonate. If hot water is provided not out to grind soybeans, the remaining water is mixed with soy porridge, then stirred for three minutes.
f. Soybean slurry was filtered and squeezed with filter cloth duplicate. The liquid obtained is called raw soy milk.
Making a thin layer of
a. Raw soy milk put into a shallow container heater, but its surface area (such as a tray) or you can also pan. Milk is heated to a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius, stirring, stirring. Foam formed discarded. When the temperature has reached 90 degrees Celsius, the milk should not be stirred again.
b. Thin layer is formed on the surface of the liquid. After evenly across the surface of the milk, the layer was taken using a thick stick or bamboo. After the first layer is removed, will soon form a second layer. So forth. The process can be repeated about eight times or until no more layers are formed.
c. Thin layer is then dried in the sun to dry by hanging together by a stick or bamboo are used in the appointment process earlier. From one kilogram of soybeans will produce an average of about 0.40 to 0.55 kilograms of dried beancurd.
d. Curd that has been dried can be packaged in a plastic bag or box to protect it from air and water vapor. The conditions which cause dry easily absorb moisture so that in time they become moldy and damaged.
It is advisable to Pregnancy and Childbirth In accordance with the type of raw material, namely soy protein-rich, nutrient content of the curd is a protein, about 48.9 to 52 , 3 grams per 100 grams of curd dry type. Donations other nutrients which are prominent enough fat (13.8 to 24.1 g/100 g), energy (380-432 kkal/100 g), as well as some minerals. Mineral content is reflected by the rather low ash. In Japan, the curd is a food that is very popular. That said, the curd can stimulate the release of milk (breast milk) so it is recommended to be consumed by the mothers before and after childbirth. Curd is also commonly used in hospitals as a source of protein recovery of the patient's health.
This is supported by high levels of protein and the digestibility of the protein. Like the soy, bean curd also have the amino acid composition is very good. Amino acid lysine which is prominent enough, which is generally very low on other food ingredients. Kembang know is highly recommended to be consumed by people with high blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes mellitus. Curd is also an excellent source of protein for vegetarians, who abstain from animal products. Certainly a very high creativity required in the processing of curd into a variety of foods so it is not boring.
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